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The Plagiarist's- Peter Quiggins #KillerCulture

Published on Jun 16, 2024
As a faithful 68 years lifelong Roman catholic, I am so glad to have lived long enough to
witness and contribute to the unveiling of the Kabbalistic evils of “Jewish supremacy” and
to have been able to re anchor myself as a "pre Christian", to re align with genetic virtues
inherited from my ancestors through the natural law of blood and soil that our
"Noble forefathers" socially applied to politics but now conflicts with the disharmony
of Abrahamic and Freudian dogma that is destroying the "racial" and "genetic" balance of God's work.

I am now able to un-riddle the self hating "Abrahamic bible" and "Koran" as a Jewish dialectic
calculator which was obviously written by these "Loxist people"(racists) as part of a
mathematical equation to destroy non Jews.

These narcissistic altruists "smiling assassins" needed to forecast and create opposing
adversaries to bait the racial destruction and soul of their ultimate Amalek (Aryan) enemy.

Once labelled and formulated "excluding our racial element" on the balance of probability
within Jewish script, a self financing "Usurious cash cow" format was chosen to use as a "
last line of defence" for their Prophetic NWO end game scam that would guarantee the
preservation of their own. It would also give them (after plunder) a Papal guardian who
could protect their "rat run" within European Christendom during times of pogrom resettlement.

Interfering with natural behaviour has always been the Jewish strategy to achieve a preferred
outcome against the Aryan...The "good Jew" "bad Jew" and the “Secret" Yet, "disciplined
objective” of the Kabbalist script has played all "Goyim" off and wrote the outcome of their
scam within their "Polluted Talmud”, their Talmud of 7 rainbow genders and with paedophilic
permits that are in lockstep with todays perverted rainbow, and roll reversal chaos, that
sees men as "wife husbands" instead of DNA warrior fathers.

On the balance of probability it more than computes that they applied a "slow kill dialectic"
to the “ actuarial science” of "problem, reaction solution" to "cause and effect" outcome
variables on both sides of the weaponised agenda, to ultimately pollute the blood and
soul, and bring the faithful Aryans/Europeans into submission, in order for these
"well poisoner money changers" to profit and benefit from all the "spiritual" and "material" fallout.

These merchant "well poisoners" have calcified our innate ability to self heal and, or medicate,
and filled the void with their big pharma "slow kill".

After years of loyalty to my faith, retracing my footsteps in search for answers to logic.. and in
the pursuit of Gnosis, with decades of study into the Jewish problem, it's not hard to conclude
that historically "a sect" of Rabbinical sages and their mathematicians, “plagiarised and
corrupted” noble stories and values from the faith of our Aryan forefathers and turned it into
a slow kill divisive script (Bible/Koran) the account books that they launched to bate,
weaken, and dilute all the blood of the goyim, but, "the noble Aryan" was always their
"ultimate nemesis"... knowing we Aryan's (Europeans) "builders of civilisation" and "order"..
consecrated with compassion, conscience and virtue that could be un-anchored through a
Kabbalist and degenerate passage of modernity which has never changed to this day...

Our kith and kin have failed to listen to genetic memory/instinct that could have kept
our gene pool safe, healthy and assured racial survival, instead, we have been
hypnotised by this: anti race, anti family, materialistic "Kabbalah Mafia" with "slow kill"
hedonistic programming that has shepherded us all through a false reality.

It wouldn’t have taken our Aryan sages and mathematicians long to envisage a disastrous
future from the inception of this "self flagellating" dogma...Yet we still haven't learnt the
lessons from our warrior forefathers who initiated 109 evictions approximately, 1,030 times
for this species over the past 2000 years, "and still" we cant recognise our enemy because
the masses of our own faithful "kith and "kin" are still being blind sided by the
"Abrahamic Gods" of the "Bible" and "Koran"..

Hence.. We now face a twisted logic, and a mutation of organic behaviour which has "ambush blind sided" us.

Our "God given" defensive, and protective emotion of "Hate" has, dogmatically been
re programmed to love our way to self suicide as we accept their African invader who
harbour bitterness and terror, their Trojan anti-white agenda which is in the process of
ethnically cleansing our Nation's towns and cities in a final death blow of "forced integration".

WW11 was about geocoding the best of our racial Aryan kith and kin, and about who would
control the monetary system afterwards: "Jewish Central Banking" v "Interest free banking"
that was being rolled out at that time....

We are once again facing the gates of hell, and if the critical mass of Aryans/Europeans
"white man" (Our racial “kith” and “kin”) across Europa and the western world fail
to: "name" and "shame"to flush them out, all our children are guaranteed a dangerous future.

We are not the problem....We are the solution to ending demographic suicide for the
whole of mankind ..... Biological purity preserves all gods work.

The Plagiarist's. PDF copy here: https://goyimtv.com/d/2511084256/The-Plagiarist-s-

Was the "Interest Free Banker Right? or... Are you enjoying: "The Victors Rainbow Democracy Trick"!.

Video 1 - Aiden Hunter - Who created the conditions for low birth-rates in the West -

Video 2 - Jews Are The Problem, Ayo Kimathi,

Video 3 - Jews go home "Birobidzhan or Bust!"...

Video 4 - Europa the Last Battle -

5 - Pivotal Global Flyers -


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