A Holocaust phenomena: How to grow female breasts through the power of your voice.

Published on Mar 1, 2023
A Holocaust phenomena: How to grow breasts through the power of your voice.
Did you know men who joined concentration camp "Quires" to sing suprano grew breasts
through the power of their voice.
The Alchemy of Voice By Stewart Pearce Page 22.
"However, an interesting phenomenon occurred. Over a period of time, the young men who sang the female roles in soprano or falsetto voices ceased growing facial hair and started to develop partial breast formations. This was, of course, alarming, but as soon as they stopped singing the female roles in emotionally charged scenarios, the physiological changes reverted. These young men, who identified so profoundly with their roles, were actually affecting their body’s hormonal equilibrium. What this amazing story illustrates is how profoundly the voice can affect the physiology of the body."

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