The 'Nazi-Sozi' - Questions and Answers for National-Socialists - by Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Published on May 21, 2020
One of Dr Goebbels’s earliest publications, written before he moved to Berlin and first published in 1926, it takes the form of a dialogue between the good Dr and an enquiring member of the German public. A practical short Q&A, it really answers a lot of questions about the differences between Socialism (as in National Socialism) and Communism, specifically Marxism. Incidentally like the Marxist indoctrinated workers of the Weimar Republic it should appeal to most Marxist indoctrinated college students of today. Consequently, given the pamphlets authorship and style, controversy has arisen over the main title that now adorns the pamphlets cover, that of the corrosive ‘Nazi-Sozi’ indicating that its original title was simply ‘Questions and Answers for National Socialists’ now relegated to the subtitle. Indeed it was believed that the term ‘Nazi’ was never used by members of the NSDAP and never appeared in the body of Dr Goebbels’ pamphlet, but was an aggressive, derogatory term originally used in Russia by members of the public to defame Cheka officers with a connection to the Nazino death camp. Later banned in Bolshevik controlled Russia the Jewish press in the west would project the damaging term onto National Socialists. -
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