Rabbi Rav David Touitou. front side of flyer

Published on Nov 4, 2023
No More European Wars for ISRAEL

Make Palestine, Palestine again

We need to resolve all global problems before conscription of our sons and daughters across Europe is state
sanctioned as they lead us in-to what the Central bankers need to collapse Europe. WW111/a religious war.

"These mass gatherings on the streets of Europa in support of the Palestinians are not a show of hate for Israelis ....
It is Israelis showing us that they have the power to crush Europa and trigger a global meltdown = War.

Any Military intervention from Europeans should only be to help evict the Israeli occupiers to their “Birobidzhan homeland”.

“Oblast” them all to “Birobidzhan” which is “the size of Switzerland” or alternatively evict them to
cannibal Island “Nazino” in Russia with all their “communist, Wahhabi and EU agent provocateurs” and do
what their Bolshevik brethren did to the Europeans when they took over Russia 1917
“embargo food and water and see if they can eat their way out.

No more cap in hand to preserve diversity…a militant attitude towards these ethnic cleanses is self-defence.

EU is not Europe; it is a Trojan horse for Israel

The US private Federal reserve bank is not the American people
The private central Bank of England is not the English people.

We Europeans are being ambushed and used as the aggressor on the world stage to deflect from what Israel is
fomenting for global dominance.

Israel is the bolt hole for the Central Banker crime families, these or any dual passport holders are not
loyal to European nation states.

“Islam is the broom of Israel; know this, that is to say, that instead of us doing the work,
we send Ishmael [the Arabs] to solve the problem.” — Rabbi Rav David Touitou.

Wandering Jews come home.

Stand up to Jewish hate or trade mark your scoot on their blue badge.

Oblast (((them))) to Birobidzhan


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