What if YOU were a Palestinian? EMOTIONAL VIDEO | FREE PALESTINE
Published on Feb 15, 2021
"One of the best compliments that I got from a subscriber was that my work could open people's eyes... I realized that having these editing skills should not only be used for entertainment but for far more important subjects such as the "Black lives matter" or the "Free Palestine" movement. This way I can use my channel to raise awareness.
I'm not Palestinian but I'm from the Middle East and this movement is very dear to my heart. You don't have to be Black or Palestinian to support them... it's all about HUMANITY. My blood boils when injustice is happening. Editing this was so tough... shed a few tears :(
PS: This might be graphic content for some but honestly, I didn't want to hide anything. I wanted to show the truth and the brutal reality. This is reality: children get killed in Palestine every day... Children who were simply playing on the beach."
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#freepalestine #palestine #palestinianlivesmatter #humanrights #israel #jews #jewish #zionism #zionists #palästina #filistin #donaldtrump #barrackobama #ReuvenRivlin #BenjaminNetanjahu #muslims #oppressed #activists #denzelwashington #speech #holocaust #war #killed #children #gaza #gazastrip #westbank #annexation #nelsonmandela #palestinian
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