(January 21th---22th, 2025) Fast forward No bullshit 360 flying Round Earth Satellite Live From different countries, Not NAZA, The world is Round

Published on Jan 22, 2025

(January 21th---22th, 2025)
Fast forward No bullshit 360 flying Round Earth Satellite Live From different countries, Not NAZA, The world is Round .
You said NAZA was lying is fine, Now i show you not NAZA video from different countries around the world .

It's 24/7 or 11 hours or 20 hours, Satellite Live flying From different countries, But i'm not going to put this long in my videos .

To those Flat Earth misinformation retarded,
Any of those Jewish semitic/Communist antifa Flat Earth conspiracy retarded, If you wanna prove the earth are flat,
Cut your bullshit and just show the flying camera to the edge of earth,
Fly hight a little, Zoom it out max,
See if it drop or not, Don't even need you fly 24/7 live video,
Camera to the edge of earth just fly over it, Film it, See it will drop or not, Since you said Earth have the edge .

Before your mom born the retarded like you out, Is her belly was flat like the fucking pizza?
Also, I wanna see if the Sun and Moon was flat as well as you say, How they surrounding the world and spinning .

That's why the flat earth theory retarded like you should be depopulation from earth 2025.

Father Lord Buddhas on Round Earth .

Shurangama Sutra:
The Buddha said to Ananda, I am asking you now .
You have not yet attained the purity of no outflow.
With the power of the Buddha, you can see the first level of meditation without obstacles. And Aniruddha saw Jambuvipa as if he were looking at an "amalaka fruit"(Round) in his palm .
The bodhisattvas saw the hundred Thousands of worlds.
The Tathagatas of the ten directions have no limit to the pure lands of dust particles. They can see through all living beings but only a fraction of an inch .

Avatamsaka Sutra:
The earth depends on water ball, Water ball depends on wind, Wind depends on void, Void depends on empty .

Fight Till Dying (From MusicSS Rock Studio Team 卐)

Father Lord Buddhas Sutra that in Hong Kong:
Shurangama Sutra .
Avatamsaka Sutra .
The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra/ Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva .

《1949 subhuman chinese/Chinese communist revolution
who support by subhuman Russian(Slavic) British Jewish
and trying to destroy these Sutra around the world, On their Karl Marx tell lies only flat earth retarded ideology (A 33 degree freemason grandmaster semitic bolshevik Subhuman Jewish Rabbi)》



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