Israel have been planning a Gaza takeover for years. Here’s the proof.
Published on Nov 2, 2023
A 6 year old article in far right settler publication Ribonut, or Sovereignty, has exposed Israel's plans to depopulate Gaza.
Right, so in a recent video I spoke about a leaked Israeli Ministry of Intelligence document which spelt out a number of options before Israel on how to deal with Hamas and the Palestinian civilians living in the Gaza Strip, whether to allow the Strip to be governed by the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank, whether to let the people of Gaza govern themselves, or the third and preferred option for Israel, which was to send all Palestinians into the Sinai. All of these options were of course being developed in a bid to root out and deal with Hamas, but the obvious conclusion to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to social media and alternative media outlets is that the minute the Gazans are in Egypt, there’s no way in hell Israel will let them back into Gaza afterwards. I’ve said it since these latest atrocities began almost a month ago now, this this is a land grab. The leaked memo appears to have borne that out, but an article passed onto me dating from 2017 shows Israel have been planning this for a lot longer and there’s no pretence at various options or dealing with Hamas here, they want the Gaza Strip for Israel, it’s planned ethnic cleansing and we’re bearing witness to it now.
Right, so I did a video on the smoking gun of a leaked Israeli Ministry of Intelligence document, a 10 page piece detailing the options before the Israeli state in dealing with Hamas, with the bit setting off alarm bells being the evacuation of all Palestinians into the Sinai Desert of Egypt, where there is no way on Earth, that Israel would ever let the Palestinians back afterwards. It’d be in effect a second Nakba on the basis of taking out Hamas and once done, Israel would just take over Gaza and slam the door on the Rafah border crossing. 2.2m people suddenly becoming Egypt’s problem and soon after a problem for the rest of the world. You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise if Israel succeed in depopulating Gaza, there’s enough history of Palestinians being shut out of their homeland the first time around, this time it is happening with the blessing of too many western countries, sadly including this one. Now I’m as guilty as the next commentator in producing that video, in that we thought we had this huge story to break, that mainstream voices weren’t, I take some heart in that by having never claimed to be a journalist, let alone an investigative journalist, I have no background in that, I simply have an eye for scrutiny, I believe we have a pathetic media and I believe it needs calling out and showing up where I see it, but the evidence for Israel’s plans for Gaza go back a lot further than this recent leaked document, as new evidence has been brought to my attention, thanks to a chap called Willy for bringing this to my attention and pointing out where this plan has come up before, in an Israeli political journal called Sovereignty.
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