Published on May 20, 2024
? The Jewish Rothschild Family: The mother parasite

ℹ️ While all Jews are cancerous parasites, The Rothschild family is the mother of all parasites.

What he is not saying is that it's not the "Masonic religion" they follow, it's Judaism. You have to read between the lines a little, he's not being 100% honest. One example is when he says "These people here follow the socialist agenda, but are they socialists? No". He can't make it logical. That's because he doesn't use the right formula. What he should have said is "These people here follow the Jewish agenda, but are they Jews?"






Who are the Elders?
Protocol I The Basic Doctrine
Protocol II Economic Wars
Protocol III Methods of Conquest
Protocol IV Materialism Replace Religion
Protocol V Despotism and Modern Progress
Protocol VI Take-Over Technique
Protocol VII World-Wide Wars
Protocol VIII Provisional Government
Protocol IX Re-education
Protocol X Preparing for Power
Protocol XI The Totalitarian State
Protocol XII Control of the Press
Protocol XIII Distractions
Protocol XIV Assault on Religion
Protocol XV Ruthless Suppression
Protocol XVI Brainwashing
Protocol XVII Abuse of Authority
Protocol XVIII Arrest of Opponents
Protocol XIX Rulers and People
Protocol XX Financial Programme
Protocol XXI Loans and Credit
Protocol XXII Power of Gold
Protocol XXIII Instilling Obedience
Protocol XXIV Qualities of the Ruler


1st, The Sanitized Headlines: WAPO: "Some Wealthy Americans" (They are $Billionaires) MEE: "US Billionaires" (they're ALL jews with loyalty to Israel)

2nd, Who They Are & What They Did:

Jewish Billionaires & other jewish leaders used their money to influence politicians, media & celebrities to manipulate public opinion in favor of Israel & also used their leverage over politicians to get them to deploy law enforcement to shut down campus protests.

They are ??Ted Deutch ??Yakir Gabay ??Joseph Sitt ??Bill Ackman ??Daniel Lubetzky ??Daniel Loeb ??Barry Sternlicht ??Fabien Levy ??Len Blavatnik ??Howard Schultz ??Michael Dell ??Joshua Kushner

3rd, The Treachery: At the same time these jewish power titans were colluding in secret, congress was passing anti-free speech laws against "antisemitism" using the 11-point IHRA definition of antisemitism.

1⃣One of the 11 points of the definition reads: "Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective—such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions." In other words, they were collectivizing as a group to get laws passed making it illegal to accuse jews of acting as a group to control media, government or institutions--something they were clearly doing!

2⃣Another of the 11 points makes "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations" an act of antisemitism.

Clearly, this group of jews' allegiance is to Israel. Again, they are trying to make it illegal to notice that they are more loyal to a foreign power.

Early Thoughts

▪️The entire time that Bill Ackman was pretending to care about DEI, he was using that as smokescreen to get his jewish buddy in power at Harvard and distract from the secret plotting he was doing behind the scenes to help Israel.

▪️Jews have the power they say they don't have ▪️When I said a couple weeks ago that it was obvious that jews controlled law enforcement, I was right.

Immediate Action

The "antisemitism" bills currently in congress must all be scrapped and these jews should be stripped of American citizenship (if they have it) and all be deported to Israel.

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