2 Preschool Teachers in Georgia Arrested for Child Abuse after Livestreaming their Cruelty

Published on Jun 10, 2022
Two preschool teachers in Georgia were arrested this week on allegations of child cruelty that was captured on a classroom livestream, police said.
Zeina Alostwani, 40, and Soriana Briceno, former teachers at Parker-Chase Preschool in Roswell, were arrested and charged Monday with first-degree child cruelty, Roswell police said in a statement.
The alleged physical contact between the teachers and students, ages 2 and 3, occurred Thursday and was seen by a parent monitoring the livestream, police said.
“That parent reported logging onto the camera system and seeing concerning physical contact between Alostwani and Briceno against several children in the classroom,” police said.
The video, which is slightly more than a minute long, was provided to NBC News on Wednesday by police.
It shows several children sitting around a circular rug. The video appears to record one teacher stepping on a child’s hand for several seconds and then kneeing a second child in the back.
It also appears to show a second teacher, who is on all fours, getting extremely close to a child’s face and poking the child’s forehead with a finger. The child who was poked is the same child who only moments earlier was kneed in the back by the first teacher.

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