Jews Sacrificing a (hopefully fake) child to Moloch

Published on Dec 4, 2024
The description from Telegram:
?✡️Before WW2, over 125,000 Jews performed a satanic ritual at Soldier Field in Chicago (1933) to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history by worshipping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch and feeding it (hopefully not real) children.

The event was called "The Romance of a People." It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of the White-hating book, "You Gentiles."

One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, 1st president of Israel & the Jew who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration, which was the trigger for both world wars.

This shows the true demonic spirit of the Jews. This is why Nazism has always fought against the Jews. Who builds a fire-breathing child-eating demonic statue while crying out like banshees and dancing around it?... ✡️Jews. In the middle of the city. On a Monday.

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