Published on Mar 20, 2022
Deep in the shadows a Jewish intelligence operation steered Mr Ralph Baric and others to graft the Caucasian specific ACE2 receptor specific spike protein topology to the viral envelope containing the ultra virulent human Sars Covid virus. The intelligence community's "leadership" refuses to investigate the biggest MOST OBVIOUS crime in human history because they’re compromised by the system of money, influence, power and privilege that is waiting for them as long as the "play along" and do as they are told. In the shadows of the Jewish intelligence operation who steered the development of this Covid19 specific virus there is the almighty Jewish banking cartels who have placed every single player in place to allow this genocide of our people to continue with no interference. Our central struggle is to find units who can bring these criminals to justice. This can only occur at this point as a series of military operations against the criminals of this massive Jewish banking cartel run operation called Covid-19.


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