Sodom - Russia Exposes the Gay Agenda
Published on Mar 29, 2023
As of 2015, there were 2 million children in the world being raised by same-sex "families". Nearly all male same-sex couples who seek to raise children desire male children, whereas most female same-sex couples seek out female children. This documentary looks into one famous case of a male same-sex couple who groomed and sexually exploited their own child, even pimping the child out to other paedophiles in their travels around the world. The documentary strongly suggests that child sexual exploitation may be the primary motivation behind the homosexual male parents' preference for male children and the female homosexual parents' preference for female children.
The documentary also looks at the five steps of cultural conquest, namely:
1. A request for tolerance, or the right to be left alone.
2. A demand for acceptance, which means equal status.
3. Celebration - everyone must accept homosexuality and promote it as a good and valuable thing.
4. Forced participation - everyone must participate in gay culture.
5. Punishment of everyone who disagrees.
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Sodom (2019) Documentary by The Fascifist | Gay Degeneracy, LGBT, and Sin
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