EXCLUSIVE: Why Was Pelosi’s "Fixer" at Jan. 6?

Published on Mar 18, 2025
Blaze News’ Steve Baker exposes Aaron Black, who he has dubbed “Pelosi’s precious,” for allegedly lying about his role at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Did Black, known to associates as Nancy Pelosi’s “fixer,” orchestrate agitators at the riot and skew the narrative to benefit Democrats? And did he lie about his presence at the Capitol during the riot? Baker joins Glenn Beck to break down the findings recorded in a Blaze News exclusive report, including Black’s history of fomenting unrest using CIA-style color revolution tactics and his deep connections to Pelosi.

Read the full article HERE: https://www.theblaze.com/news/pelosis-fixer-at-the-capitol-on-jan-6-an-unforgivable-betrayal-friend-says

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