Published on Apr 7, 2024
(Hurrah) ALL SUPPORTING FILMS in rumble versions peratins to Charles as Elizabeth 2nd (& FULL FILM of this on RUMBLE LINK HERE 28 MINS ) The Coronation of Charles Philip Arthur George on 6.5.2023(Battenburg, Sax Coburg Gotha Mountbatten Windsor) like Queen Elizabeth's 2nd on 2.6.1953 coronation, was also fraudulent.(her dress hiding the fake stone as Charles screen hid the fake stone in 2023) It was doubly fraudulent for pretending to have the ceremony witnessed by God and the Stone of Destiny in 1953 aka Jacobs Stone (see full details and how below) JACOBS STONE NOW RESCINDS THESE FRAUDS AS GOD HAS MADE US TRUSTEES IN THIS WORLD GENESIS 1, 26 - 28 "DOMINION OF LAND, AIR AND WATER ... = L A W
The Crown, statutory courts (Royal assent and parliamentary legislation and CPS) and Judges now have no authority over the Living Men and Woman (this would mean for example that companies house cannot function and since 1953 as also local council taxes and all summons are null and void) all international courts and commonwealth (and commonwealth bank) being registered via the B.A.R. (British Accreditation Registry) In short the B.A.R. has no authority since 1953 (are de jure now not real such as a legal fiction, whereas common law witnessed and proclaimed is de facto...De Facto (actual) sovereignty and De Jure (legal) sovereignty. A de jure sovereign is the legal sovereign whereas a de facto sovereign is a sovereign which is actually obeyed, legal is not LAWFUL )

Justice & the end of the B.A.R. brings meaning to Sovereignty, Jubilees, & the people as 'the Sovereigns' and also to debt & the law. The people grant sovereignty to a sovereign and if they are not under God or the stone of destiny, the people are sovereign and the common law court on the 31.08.2019 confirmed the fraud and as a common law jury decision brought back the nation from the law of the sea to the law of the land. The ceremony of 6.5.2023 was also fraudulent as can be witnessed here in the next 3 films and documentaries (SEE RUMBLE VERSIONS LINKS HERE briefer version and / or longer version ) ALL SUPPORTING FILMS in the rumble versions (links above)

N.B. More room to cite films and links in the Rumble versions (today land is being stolen by digitization of land deeds and tokenization of assets ..see rumble version Australia especially right now)

This "War" with the B.A.R.(a legal fiction) "David Straight "We are at War with the Bar" Part 1 of 5" (or on bitchute ) AND Britain and its people are also at War with the B.A.R. as Britain was made a PLC around 2009 - 2013 (BRITAIN TO RESTORE FULL COMMON LAW DE FACTO) "Britain PLC (all nations are corporations now) Restoring Nations by Common Sovereign Law"

We live in a world where the German government (i.e. in Germany not the Sax Coburg Gotha) has declared that there was no Pandemic. And if there was THEN ! the cure i.e. Vaccinations are no use for respiratory illnesses, "Fauci Now Says mRNA Jabs NOT Good for Respiratory Illness" (or here again on Rumble ?and in any case the 'virus' has not been isolated The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health , Restoring Law and common sense (and law) dissolves this unreality in which Billions have been lost, hundreds of thousands of business closed and people were locked in their homes. This is unnatural and justice is remedy for all people with new perspectives and to rebuild society naturally


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