The Leo Frank Case - The Lynching of a Guilty Man - 27
Published on Jan 12, 2022
The Nation of Islam
Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews - Volume 3
The Leo Frank Case - The Lynching of a Guilty Man
Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews : the Books that Jewish groups working in partnership with Amazon made censored.
Leo Max Frank (17 April 1884 – 17 August 1915) was a Jewish factory superintendent who was convicted in 1913 of the murder of a 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan, in Atlanta, Georgia. His trial, conviction, and appeals attracted countrywide attention. He was lynched two years later, in response to the commutation of his death sentence. The powerful Anti-Defamation League was established in 1915 in response to this. Controversy has continued regarding the case, with continued attempts to turn Leo Frank into an innocent martyr. ONE OF THE GREATEST triumphs of historical writing in the last decade was the American Mercury’s centenary series on the 1913 trial and conviction of Jewish sex killer Leo Frank. Now the entire series is being produced as an audio book for our readers, beginning today with the first installment.
THE AMERICAN MERCURY is proud of its decades-long reputation for seeking the truth without fear or favor. As such, we do not flinch when a part of that truth can best be discovered in the words of those whom the Establishment has deemed “radical†or “controversial†or even “evil.†(When the current murderous regime in Washington, or its Hollywood/New York media machine, says someone is “evil,†we immediately start to suspect that there must be something good about that someone.)
Originally posted on The American Mercury :
The Mary Phagan Family Website:
Leo Frank Archive:
Leo Frank Research Library:
The American Mercury:
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