(July 5th--8th, 2023) The relationship of Freemason abrahamic-semitic peace TV, Unification Church, Communist, CIA, Yakuza 自民党 Korean and Kishida

Published on Jul 12, 2023

(July 5th--8th, 2023) The relationship of Freemason abrahamic-semitic peace TV, Unification Church, Communist, CIA, Yakuza 自民党 Korean and Kishida .

Peace TV,
This subhuman freemason Abrahamic-semitic reptile cult TV,
You can see them promoting Christian/Islam/Judaism/Talmud, Communist SJW Antifa LGBT Gay pedophile/Feminist,
And of course, You also see them in subhuman Korean semitic Unification Church and The korean spy party 自民党 and Kishida that in Japan,
So not just subhuman chinese spy slavic KGB MI6, Especially These reptile creatures "white" Christian CIA and jewish Mossad trying to promote that they are our savior, Trying to promote their capitalist communist, Gay LGBT pedophile and foreigner .

You guys know me, I never trust those who talk about Love and Peace,
That's one of the reason i kept my Virgin until now .

Peace TV/Semitic-Communist/Unification Church things in Japan,
These things under the freemason or you can just called them foreigner who trying to snake in Japan, Especially huge influence by reptile Jews/U.S(Jew Ass) CIA and korean .

Their purposes is to remove Japanese traditional and remove Japan emperor/Imperialist system,
That's why, We must protect our Tenno Heika traditional and Japanese Traditional .

We all know subhuman slavic and chinese have the same bloodline with subhuman jews,
And you will not surprise, That the subhuman korean Unification Church bible who worshiping subhuman jews .

For example,
On the semitic sand desert world, First, They got, Abraham the reptile jew Gay and pedophile,
Who the first to claim the imagination unseen god and claim it one and only, The ancient Tengu,
Jesus the raptor jew and a bisexual,
Muhammad the raptor arab jew and a pedophile,
Not to mention communist karl marx a raptor jewish rabbi Gay and pedophile as well,
That's why the capitalist or communist root's are Abrahamic-semitic, Every communist are whether Gay/Pedophile .

Karl Marx,
Not only in the world of the subhuman korean/Russian(slavic)/Jews/Nigger/U.S(Jew Ass)/British/French or any other communist nation,
But another big example, Subhuman asian jew the Chinese have pic of Karl Marx on their hall .

So, Did you just realize that?
Whether the Abrahamic-semitic or communist, Their worship are always the subhuman reptile jews,
And the subhuman korean Unification Church are part of Abrahamic-semitic .

Peace TV/Unification Church/Subhuman Korean trying to make the Guilty tricks bullshit said that Japan are crime for them, Need to pay all the Japan property to them,
Just like the subhuman jews/russian(slavic)/chinese nigger alLIES trying to do the same shit) .

And i just remind you now, To slaughter these subhuman,
Japan Did Nothing Wrong,
Since before WW1 has already crushed the subhuman russian/(slavic)/Jews/Chinese, In so many times .

For the Morality of mankind to slaughtering you,
Japan Did Nothing Wrong .





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