Peter Becomes Pan Scene: Spiritual Integration & Enlightenment (the Middle Way)

Published on Jul 20, 2020
Peter becomes Pan scene from the movie Hook. Peter is symbolic of pious and devoted Peter from the Bible. Pan is a Greek word meaning "all," and, according to Wikipedia, is the Greek God of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, of mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality. He has the hybrid features of a goat and lives in rustic Arcadia. When these two forces of nature are combined, Peter becomes Pan and the master over his destiny.

"The middle path is the way to wisdom." ― Zen

Tale of the pious and devoted family:

The Ballad of Pious Pete
“The North has got him.” — Yukonism.

I tried to refine that neighbor of mine, honest to God, I did.
I grieved for his fate, and early and late I watched over him like a kid.

I gave him excuse, I bore his abuse in every way that I could;
I swore to prevail; I camped on his trail; I plotted and planned for his good.
By day and by night I strove in men’s sight to gather him into the fold,
With precept and prayer, with hope and despair, in hunger and hardship and cold.
I followed him into Gehennas of sin, I sat where the sirens sit;
In the shade of the Pole, for the sake of his soul, I strove with the powers of the Pit.
I shadowed him down to the scrofulous town; I dragged him from dissolute brawls;
But I killed the galoot when he started to shoot electricity into my walls.

God knows what I did he should seek to be rid of one who would save him from shame.
God knows what I bore that night when he swore and bade me make tracks from his claim.
I started to tell of the horrors of hell, when sudden his eyes lit like coals;
And “Chuck it,” says he, “don’t persecute me with your cant and your saving of souls.”
I’ll swear I was mild as I’d be with a child, but he called me the son of a slut;
And, grabbing his gun with a leap and a run, he threatened my face with the butt.
So what could I do (I leave it to you)? With curses he harried me forth;
Then he was alone, and I was alone, and over us menaced the North.
Our cabins were near; I could see, I could hear; but between us there rippled the creek;
And all summer through, with a rancor that grew, he would pass me and never would speak.
Then a shuddery breath like the coming of Death crept down from the peaks far away;
The water was still; the twilight was chill; the sky was a tatter of gray.
Swift came the Big Cold, and opal and gold the lights of the witches arose;
The frost-tyrant clinched, and the valley was cinched by the stark and cadaverous snows.
The trees were like lace where the star-beams could chase, each leaf was a jewel agleam.
The soft white hush lapped the Northland and wrapped us round in a crystalline dream;
So still I could hear quite loud in my ear the swish of the pinions of time;
So bright I could see, as plain as could be, the wings of God’s angels ashine.

Hook (1991) - You Are the Pan
I DO NOT OWN. Clip from 'Hook' (1991) uploaded for my July 21-August 31 Robin Williams tribute on Twitter/Facebook (#CelebratingRobinWilliams). All rights belong to Sony. No copyright infringement intended. RIP Robin Williams.

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