Book Of Enoch. 6/12/2021
Published on Jun 13, 2021
Enoch's journey culminates with the encounter with God after a life that lasted 365 years. From the mists of time he has shown humanity a luminous path to follow. Enoch goes back the the causes of evil and great are his sufferings for human wickedness and his exhortations to cultivate good and wisdom. All his writings, which are reported alongside the interpretation of "History Academy", were found and collected in the time before the birth of Christ. Not recognized by the Church and ignored the Old Testament collection, they are now published for everyone to read. Besides giving us a clear overview of the extraordinary civilization that flourished on Earth in those times, they offer explanations o the beginning of sin, the angels fall, the intervention of the archangels on the future of humanity, the apocalypse and the arrival of the Messiah and the "kingdom of God on Earth".
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