Standing up to Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism, which are One and the Same | Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt
Published on Jul 24, 2021
Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt's sermon, "Standing up to Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism, which are One and the Same"
Recorded LIVE on July 10, 2021
About Congregation B’nai Tzedek:
B'nai Tzedek is a welcoming, inclusive and innovative Conservative Jewish synagogue in the heart of Potomac, where members feel strongly connected to each other, our heritage and the broader Jewish community.
Since 1988, Congregation B’nai Tzedek has grown exponentially—from a visionary group of 25 people and our founding Rabbi, Stuart Weinblatt, to more than 620 families from all over the D.C. area and beyond.
Our synagogue is the ideal size to offer diverse and interesting programming, while still maintaining a strong sense of community.
Our vision is to be a leading Conservative community committed to perpetuating Jewish traditions and values. Set on several acres surrounded by trees in the heart of Potomac, B’nai Tzedek blends traditions with innovation and creativity to engage members of all ages with sophisticated and high-quality educational, spiritual and social programs. There’s truly something here for everyone, at every age.
We are Israel advocates on the local, national and international scenes and leaders in tikkun olam for the Greater Washington Jewish Community. Rabbi Weinblatt is a leading voice in the region on matters relating to Israel and how Jewish values play into current events.
We’re especially proud of the warmth of our community, the friendships that have developed and grown over time, and the support we offer one another during life’s ups and downs.
Contact Information:
Congregation B'nai Tzedek
10621 South Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
(301) 299-0225
Stuart Weinblatt, Senior Rabbi
Fabián Werbin Associate Rabbi
Marshall Kapell, Cantor
Scott Katz, Executive Director
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