WHAT IS NATIONAL SOCIALISM, AND WHAT WOULD IT MEAN FOR YOU! Jew Banking Race Genocide Socialism Marxism Nationalism
Published on Dec 12, 2021
We have been lied too...
Democracy is "SLOW KILL" ... Back door "COMMUNISM" the psychological weapon of choice for the Covid well poisoners, money changers = the "JEWISH CENTRAL BANKER CRIME FAMMILIES"
WWI/II the (((Jew central banker crime families))) needed to protect their (((Central Banking system))) which was at risk of being exposed by National Socialism: ....... How do we do that thinks the Jew!
Option 1, Tell the people we need to go to war to save (((central banking)))" ...Will it work? ..... Behhhh.....
Option 2, Tell them we need to fight against a bully, a racist, an anti Semite who is a genocidal megalomaniac" ..
Option 2 was chosen which attached "race" and "genocide" to "money". .... The rest is just Jew victory.
The race issue is pivotal .... We have a Jew problem and yes anti Jew all the way. https://peterquiggins.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/bonds-2.jpg
For decades, and since the lockdown watching sheep marching to "Town Halls" or "Parliament" without a remedy to (((their Jew system))) is an amusement to the kabala. The rats only recognise the "Dockers Hook"!!!
We cant rest until the money changers/well poisoners have been exposed and replaced with the Gottfried Feder economic system.
Peterquiggins (((Central Banking)))†or “Interest Free†https://peterquiggins.wordpress.com/2020/11/29/central-banking-or-interest-free/?preview_id=7152&preview_nonce=b2677f32a5&_thumbnail_id=7202&preview=true
The only suffering the impervious Jew suffers is" criticism!
Now educate yourselves re the unspoken of History of WWII
Europa: The Last Battle: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YDyz9eZKkSQv/
The True Origin and Meaning of The Swastika (For Those Who Can Handle It): https://www.bitchute.com/video/QrXLWd1iDi3U/
'Europa: The Last Battle' Review #1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cMDUrF8PONrT/
'Europa: The Last Battle' Review #2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qGnovzw5cYrp/
Hellstorm: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2ce89LWTYSeQ/
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