Are Secret Societies Real And Influencing Global Events Today? Truth Matters Podcast
Published on Aug 22, 2022
One world government, secret societies, Freemasons & the Illuminati: Are all these things real? If so, what role are they playing in world events?
In this episode of Truth Matters we take a look at secret societies to see what proof there is of their existence and what role they might play in the New World Order, prophecy, and end times events.
This investigation is led by one of the world's leading authorities on these topics, Professor Walter J. Veith, who explores how these societies work and what their connection is in bringing about a new world order. We also take a look at the long-running history of United States presidents and their connection to various organizations such as Yale's Skull and Bones society and the origins of the Illuminati.
What is the real truth behind it all? What is the new world order, and who is really running the world today? Join us as we walk through history and try to help our viewers separate truth from error.
00:00 Intro
3:55 Who Is Running The World?
6:20 Why Studying History Is Important
8:00 Global Dominance
12:13 Disasters To Unite The World
15:13 All Leaders coordinate together
18:29 Friday The 13th History
24:02 Origins of Bankers and Templar Knights
26:48 Why Are Secret Societies Often Mentioned?
28:14 JFK Secret Societies Speech
31:08 Who Defines Freedom? Why Is Control Done In The Name Of Freedom?
34:00 Follow The Money/ The Pyramid Structure Of Secret Societies/ Dollar Bill
38:14 Freemasons Role In Society
41:59 Presidents In Secret Societies/Skull And Bones
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