Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Oct 16, 2024, Plastic; Climate Change Hoax; Vax&Cancer; TX Mandates; Jim’s BitChute Channel Wars; Owen Benjamin

Published on Oct 16, 2024
*** Is the Myth of Plastic Recycling Finally Being Exposed?
By Selwyn Duke The New American October 16, 2024 -
*** “Saving” the earth? (Sheesh - how arrogant)
*** Climate change?
*** Nick Fuentes - The Truth Hurts - https://old.bitchute.com/video/rWHOcfsV1x6K/
*** Vax and cancer - the vax accelerates cancer intensity - go from NO evidence to Stage IV in a week (happened to my cousin) - https://old.bitchute.com/video/nCCijHmFdlOM/
*** Covid-type Mandates - outlawed in Texas
*** Effective September 1st, 2023. — This bill adds Chapter 81B to the Texas Health & Safety Code. It bars government entities from imposing face-covering or vaccine mandates or closing private businesses and schools due to COVID-19.
*** Effective February 6, 2024, a new Texas law prohibits private employers from adopting or enforcing a mandate requiring an employee, contractor, or applicant to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment.
*** In 2023, the Texas Legislature passed a law prohibiting state and local COVID-19 "mask mandates." This law is in Section 81B. 002 of the Texas Health & Safety Code. More information about these laws is on the Mask Laws page of the COVID-19 & Texas Law guide.
*** Private employers cannot require employees to be vaccinated unless they are a healthcare-related business. In Texas, one can also submit a Vaccine Exemption Form.
*** There are three conditions for exemption: If a health care provider determines that it is not safe for them to get a certain vaccine. If they are in the United States military. If they have a religious or personal belief that goes against getting immunized.
*** Jim’s Bitchute channel participant issues. Using Jim’s channel to argue with each other, especially about Phil.
*** Owen Benjamin (not jewish) - https://old.bitchute.com/video/NCsjOrqNDbxK/

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