Tengu play dirty nuclear now, Fucking lose so much so suck on close combat with opponent 20%HP?
Published on Nov 8, 2023
Don't be like your Putin just trash talk on nuclear, Do it now !!! Come on !!!!!!! What? You scare? Come on, No one can stop you aren't? Show how power your Tengu is, Just do it now !!!!!!!
(November 5th--8th, 2023)
Tengu play dirty nuclear now, Comeon Tengu !!!! I can't wait to start the game, What are you waiting for then?
Fucking lose so much so suck on close combat and play dirty nuclear shit now?
Everytime you do like this, Lose to your opponent, Then play dirty thing, Since when you will learn to fight like a true man?
Well, Go ahead .
Of course, In war, There is no fair fight, Not to mention you Tengu
has never see glorious as a thing .
You play far dirty attack, Someone can also play magical attack and you know it .
Your 波旬・大欲界天狗道 is cracking now, Can't you see it?
Tons of your asian jews chinese on your side, Plus russian(slavic) plus U.S(Jew Ass) "white" christian and niggers (Never forget asian jews chinese also in U.S(Jew Ass) army) plus India plus France plus British etc etc, Still cannot beat your opponent with 20%HP?
All i can say is you are truly weak on tactic and weak on close combat Tengu .
Rootless Tengu, Where did they came from to this world?:
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