Our Subverted History: Part 5.1 - The Oera Linda Book

Published on Jan 31, 2021
Original video by Asha Logos
Some of his links--
AL's description~
One of the most striking discrepancies between how we currently understand our history, and how it was understood and presented by those of previous eras, is in the extent of the connection between the ancestors of modern western mankind to ancient Mesopotamia, Persia, India, Greece and Macedonia and Troy, the Steppes.. and one could go on.
Nearly every source authored prior to the mid 1900's that touches on the subject matter and the origins of European peoples, stretching back to Homer and the Vedas, speaks of these strong connections, and implies frequent travels and migrations. I've come to believe such connections are stronger than most might imagine.
In these videos we'll examine what may be one of the most important sources of such history - authored from within a 'seed' or 'nest' population, quite possibly a key origin point of the *waves* of migration that seem to have taken place over the past few thousand years.
Some final notes:
In our age, with examples of the healthy feminine almost completely lacking, and opposite examples to be found everywhere, I think its difficult to envision just how positively this deep love and devotion might have manifested when springing from a healthy and well-oriented mind, directed exclusively towards one's kin, nation, and extended family.. as opposed to a chaotic dissipation in 360 degrees - on cats, refugees, characters on TV, and everything in between. The vestal-virgin/burg-maiden conception makes more sense, in this light.
Lastly - though kindly, noble, and just, this wasn't a pacifistic population. Much like the Spartans or Goths, they don't seem to have *sought out* wars, or fought them lightly - but their martial prowess seems to have been legendary.. aided by a far larger stature and frame than neighboring populations, mandated military training for every male at least once every seven days, and a prudent hierarchical structure which we'll cover in the next videos. Their mastery of the high seas may well be inextricably linked with the later British, Dutch, and Nordic dominance.
There is much, much more to say.. I look forward to the next productions.


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