NYPD: Boy among 4 shot in Brooklyn in 90 minutes

Published on Jul 7, 2020
Police in Brooklyn are investigating four shootings that happened in just over 90 minutes in Flatbush and Crown Heights - and a total of six in all on Tuesday.

The victims include an 11-year-old boy who was shot while playing outside of his home in Flatbush.

And now officials are demanding something be done to put a stop to the violence.

The 11-year-old boy was wounded in a drive-by shooting that happened just before 10 p.m. on East 29th Street in Flatbush.

The boy was on a porch with others when witnesses heard three gunshots.

And that is when they noticed the boy was shot through the leg.

Investigators say he was not the intended target, and they are working to determine who is.

Read more: https://7ny.tv/3gdX8Lt

Check out more Eyewitness News - http://7ny.tv/2suJHTd


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