Poland crushes the Soviet invasion on Europe, 1920 * Europe saved from the nightmare of GUlag

Published on Apr 4, 2021
August 1920. The Polish people puts up a dramatic defense of the capital city of Warsaw against the invasion of the Soviet Union. The struggle ends up with an epic victory of Christian Poland over the Marxist communist tyranny.

The special words of gratitude to Cardinal Achille Ratti, the ambassador of the Holy See to Poland and the future Pope Pius XI, who was the only diplomat in Warsaw that didn't flee the city during the Bolshevik siege in August 1920.

The most heartfelt words of gratitude to the most faithful and genuine friends that Poland has ever had:

- to The United States of America, to President Woodrow Wilson personally and above all, to the heroic volunteers from the U.S. Air Force, who came to defend Poland from the communist doom led by the voice of the heart .

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.", John 15,13



Filmowy collage historyczny oparty na filmie J. Hoffmana "Bitwa Warszawska 1920", uzupełniony przeze mnie o informacje na temat bitwy w języku angielskim, ma jedynie cele edukacyjne a nie komercyjne.

W scenach epilogu wykorzystano fragmenty defilad w dniach 15.08.2014 i 15.08.2007.

This video is based on the movie, "The Battle of Warsaw 1920", which is available on DVDs and BRs. The epilogue contains the video fragments of the military parades from Aug.15, 2014 and Aug.15, 2007.


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