Putin’s war dogs parachute into battle from 13,000ft strapped to Russian soldiers in crazy video

Published on Jul 9, 2021
BONKERS footage has emerged showing Russian army pooches parachuting into battle zones from heights of 13,000ft.

Vladimir Putin’s crack team of canine warriors can be seen being hurled out of planes strapped to soldiers as part of wacky war games.

Tests have so far proved army dogs can be dropped by parachute from as high as 13,000 feet, according to the Russian defence ministry’s TV channel Zvezda.

The report says: "After landing, all four-legged test participants felt well and were ready to follow commands."

The canine "security forces" are often used in military and rescue operations, according to the army.

Test parachutist Andrey Toporkov said the dogs have already made eight jumps.

He said: "The most important thing is to get the dogs into the aircraft.

"They tolerate the flight and even watch the clouds through the window.

"When the hatch opens, there is wind, noise, and thanks to the dog handler, they calm down."

Crazy video shows Vladimir Putin’s war dogs parachute into battle from 13,000ft strapped to Russian soldiers

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