Reincarnation and the Tripartite Soul of Indo-European Tradition

Published on Dec 17, 2022
Understanding the European Religious Tradition.
I believe that the European pagan religions had some notion of reincarnation. This is evident from multiple sources from Buddha to Plato. I look at different Indo-European traditions for evidence of the tripartite conception of the soul. I reference the works of Julius Evola and Rene Guenon.

There was a concern for honour and glory. We see this in the Greek concept of Kleos which comes from Proto-Indo-European *ḱlewos it is also akin to the Norse fylgja.... but this was not the ultimate goal of pagan religion.

The highest part of the soul was what Plato called logistikon, akin to Logos, and related to the PIE concept *rta which refers to the governing principle of all creation and being.

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