The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Audiobook

Published on Jan 9, 2022
To be clear anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. What we need to understand is the Jewish plot behind Zionism is in fact satanic. When we are speaking of Jews, the Hebrews, who were descended from Abraham as recorded in the bible are not the same Jews we see today. The vast majority of those now calling themselves Jews are descended from Khazaria.
The modern state of Israel is a forgery. It is not the fulfillment of biblical prophecy as widely believed by many Christians. The Zionist agenda through the state of Israel is to create a one world government and the Anti-Christ will rule from Jerusalem. As explained in the protocols, this is a multi-faceted plan spanning over thousands of years, going back to biblical times. The destruction of white European culture is one of these objectives but it’s also about creating division between all races and people; Divide and conquer.
For those who may believe the Protocols are a forgery you can read
James Perloff’s article here:
The below given report is a U.S. War Department investigation and evaluation of issues generated by Jewish power. It was compiled in August 1919 and given SECRET classification until 1973. They believed the Protocols were genuine.
I added pictures to go along with the audio recording but their not in order.


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