Tyranny and Eugenics through Public Health, Bioterrorism and Vaccines. Part 3, 2020

Published on Mar 7, 2021
Original video creator credited to Jana Esp- https://www.youtube.com/user/Janaesp12/videos
Jana you did an incredible job, thank you!
PLEASE NOTE: The creator of this video series believes in a natural law worldview and I believe in a biblical worldview so I disagree with her in some aspects including veganism. I understand why people want to follow such a diet due to the slaughter of animals but a vegan diet is not healthy long term and can be detrimental to our brain function due to the lack of animal fats. This is part of the reason why the Luciferian elites are pushing veganism.
Is a Vegan Diet Healthy?
Aga in America: Another Vegan Horror Story
If you would like to watch a comprehensive film regarding the covid plandemic, covid vaccines and the globalists plan to enslave all of humanity please watch the following film-
A Mad World: Part III, The Beginning of The End. The Encore.
A list of all the "Become One That Can See" original Films:
A Mad World: The Beginning Of The End. Part 1, The Film.
A Mad World; The Beginning Of The End. Part II, The Final Symphony.
The Satanic Matrix: Part I, The Slavery Of The Mind. The Film.
Satan, The god of This World. Be Not Deceived, The Film.
The Church Of The Remnant: Message #1, Falling Away To The Antichrist.
This Is Not My Home: A Symphony Of Hope, The Concert.
Trump And The Q Deception: Trust The Plan And Stay Asleep, The Film.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Amoung Us. Part 1, Pizzagate.
Luciferian Pedophiles: The Monsters That Walk Among Us. Part II, Hollywood & Disney.
Conspiracy Of Silence: Child Lives Matter, The Film.
Absurdity Becomes The Normal...A Satanic Principle, The Film.
Kanye West: An Angel Of Light, The Film.
Flat Earth: Let God Be True, And Every Man A Liar. The Film.
Artificial Life: Clones & Synthetics, The Film.
Mandela Effect: A New Dimension, The Short Film.
Mandela Effect: Lucifer's Machine Part I, The Design.
Mandela Effect: Lucifer's Machine Part ll, The Construct.
Mandela Effect: Samson And Delialah. MUST SEE!
Mandela Effect: OJ Simpson Now Tries On Two Gloves.
Recommended reading:
Jamie Hanshaw- Operation: Culture Creation Volume 1, 2 & 3https://www.amazon.com/Weird-Stuff-Color-Operation-Creation/dp/098909880X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=jamie+hanshaw&qid=1586015211&sr=8-1

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