STATE OF OUR (MA) STATE - Dianna Ploss with Jim and Joe Rizoli, Diane King, Sept 17, 2022, Pt 1

Published on Sep 18, 2022
(Where the goyim talk funny)

Presenting Handsome Truth (HT) and his escape from Auschwitz. Incredible story of Handsome Truth, HT, and his Escape literally from visiting Auschwitz and his getting in, getting arrested and running for his life from armed guards ...You thought the movie "Escape from Sobibor" was good, this tops that!!!
Handsome Truth /•07:59 PM:
Handsome Truth /•08:00 PM:


1. HT interview, his escape from Auschwitz ...YIKES!!!!!
2. 43 min HT asked Diane and Dianna how they became red-pilled about the jews.
3. 52 min - Lindbergh, Germany, Dianna video of being attacked by BLM crazies, POLICE do NOTHING
4. 1 hr 1 min - our Halloween plans?
5. 1 Hr 5 Min - LIVE call in
6. I Hr 9 min - Jim Discusses Charlie Moscowitz Interview, a JEW that knows absolutely NOTHING about the specifics of the holocaust he supposedly believes in.
7. 1 hr 19 min - Joe talks about Auschwitz doctor, Dr. Mengele and the Jewish lies against him
8. 1 hr 30 min - Canadian guy video - Rizoli brothers banned from Canada?
9. 1 hr 36 min - Jim covers BitChute comments, a few F-bombs here and there
10. 1 hr 48 min - Dave Gahary’s email about the new book, EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY, Deprogramming 101, Reed T. Sainsbury.

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