General MacArthur -Betrayed by Commie Washington. Audio

Published on Oct 17, 2021
The Man Who Refused To Lose
By Eustace Mullins
General Douglas MacArthur-He Wanted To Win ... His Government Did Not.
Thousands of American boys died on barren Pacific sandpits during World War II, never knowing they had been condemned to die because of the hatred the Communists felt for their commander, General Douglas MacArthur. Let us go back to Washington, D.C., for the birthpangs of this hatred; the time, July 28, 1932. The nation is in the depths of an economic depression brought on by classic gold movements of the international bankers. Some gold bricks had been moved from one section of the Federal Reserve Bank vaults in New York City to another section a few feet away; this seemingly insignificant act brought on a contraction of credit and the puncturing of the Wall Street boom. Eighty-five billion dollars in inflated stock values vanished into the vaults of the bankers, leaving the American Middle Class a robbed and beaten people..................
Soon after Roosevelt's entry into the White House, he summoned General MacArthur to inform him that the Army was to be cut by fifty per cent. MacArthur immediately contested the decision, arguing with Roosevelt while the cripple grew purple with rage in his wheelchair. Finally, Roosevelt agreed to reconsider his decision, and Secretary of War, George Dern, complimented MacArthur, saying, "You have just saved the Army." However, MacArthur states in his memoirs that he was made physically ill by this encounter with the Great Cripple, and that he vomited on the steps of the White House, overcome by nausea and disgust at the thought of his native land being subverted by this man.................
In 1941, Roosevelt maneuvered the Pacific Fleet into Pearl Harbor to await the Japanese attack, while MacArthur warned him of the Japanese buildup and was puzzled that he received no answer from the White House. When MacArthur assumed command of the defense of the Philippines, he anticipated little difficulty in halting the Japanese advance.............
MacArthur devised a plan for mounting massive strike forces against the Philippines and against Japan herself, forcing an early end to the war. Roosevelt was upset by the plan, foreseeing that such a brilliant victory would make MacArthur a powerful political rival. Weiss immediately devised a counter plan, which delighted Roosevelt. Instead of leaving the little Japanese Maginot Lines to wither on the vine, it would play into the Japanese hands by mounting huge assaults on each little island. The MacArthur Plan was never acknowledged by the White House, and instead, the Pacific forces were committed to a series of operations later called "Feeding the Fishes", whereby many thousands of American boys were shot down in the water while trying to storm almost impregnable Japanese island redoubts. The names of Iwo Jima and Tarawa recall the incredible heroism of American youths who gave their lives attacking these fortresses, but they also recall the incredible infamy of a sinister Lithuanian man whose only purpose was to bleed this country to death and weaken it for a Communist victory at some later date. The island hopping campaign ensured that MacArthur would have no great victory and that the losses in these battles would cause Americans to think he was a poor strategist. Nevertheless, Roosevelt, always a coward, continued to fear MacArthur as a political rival; and in 1944 he wrung from an astounded MacArthur a pledge that he would not be a candidate that year !.....
A series of directives now came from Washington forbidding MacArthur from "hot pursuit" of enemy attackers, or from bombing their marshalling yards, or bombing the hydroelectric plants in North Korea. The entire conduct of the war became a dress rehearsal for the Vietnam War, in which American commanders were forbidden to inflict any real damage on the Communist enemy. MacArthur asked to be relieved from command, as he could not fight under these restrictions, but Marshall begged him to stay on. Meanwhile, General Walker complained to MacArthur that his operations were known to the enemy in advance through their sources in Washington. MacArthur began to attack the Communist forces without revealing his plans to Washington. He won a series of stunning victories, whereupon the Communists insisted that MacArthur be removed...
Certainly the Communists had reason to rejoice. The greatest anti-Communist soldier in the world had been fired. Now they were safe. Thus we come to the great final act of this hero's life. A military plane roars in from the Pacific, sighting the California coast. Aboard it is the world's most famous soldier, General Douglas MacArthur, with a trusted staff of aides. The plane continues high over the nation, bound for Washington. MacArthur believes that when he lands, a delegation of loyal Congressman will meet him with a request that he form a Provisional Military Government, and that he must arrest the pitiful Communist traitors who demanded his removal. In Washington, among the subhuman filth which has infested the offices of the nation's capital like some medieval plague of diseased rats, each bearing fearful contamination in its mangy hide, the treasonous garbage cowers in helpless fear, awaiting the inevitable landing of the exterminator. The fat alcoholic, David Niles, the Moscow Communist who had ordered MacArthur's dismissal, is now collapsed in a drunken stupor in his White House room. The members of the Harold Ware cell of Communists, who have directed America's national policies since 1933, have, according to prearranged plans, gone into hiding. Harry Truman impassively awaits the end, playing poker with a few cronies on the second floor of the White House. Described by the poet Ezra Pound in the Cantos as "always loyal to his kind, the underworld", Truman has little fear of arrest; it is part of a criminal career. He began his life as a bagman for the Kansas City brothels; his mentor, Boss Prendergast, has been in prison for years, having been convicted of stealing forty million dollars. However, some of the Communists had not given up. Desperate promises were made -- threats, deals, blackmail. When MacArthur landed, the expected Congressional delegation was not there. Supposing that he had already been named Provisional Governor, MacArthur proceeded to Capitol Hill. He was amazed to find that nothing had been done ! There was no proclamation; his strongest supporters in Congress were strangely evasive. MacArthur, the greatest military strategist, found that he had no strategy for forming a government. After wavering for several hours, he was dissuaded by none other than Senator Robert Taft. Taft boldly declared that America must solve her problems at the ballot box, and that MacArthur could run for President and cure the nation's ills. Had MacArthur known that Taft was echoing the advice of Rabbi Hillel Silver, his mentor, he might have countered with the statement that Washington did not use a ballot box at Trenton or at Valley Forge. But MacArthur had been away from his country for many years. He still did not know what was going on behind the scenes. He supposed that there were only a few principal Communists behind Truman. He had never heard of the Harold Ware cell; he knew nothing of the Communists placed strategically in every major government office.

The moment passed.


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