Published on Feb 6, 2021
Mirror: AngloSaxonIsrael@WorldTruthVideo
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https://christogenea.org/podcasts/unforgivable-sin We know from the New Testament as well as the Old that the sin of fornication, which describes several sorts of sexual indecency, such as prostitution, also includes race-mixing. One place where this is clearly evident is at Jude 7, where we read that fornication is the pursuit of strange, or different, flesh. Then in 1 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul of Tarsus had used the same word and warned the Christians at Corinth not to commit fornication, referring them to a race-mixing event for which the ancient children of Israel were severely punished, which is found in Numbers chapters 24 and 25. In the words of Christ Himself, He proclaims that He will kill the children of those who commit fornication, as He punishes the sinners themselves, in Revelation chapter 2. Fornication is one of the acts expressly prohibited by the apostles in Acts chapter 15, and Paul admonished different sorts of fornicators in his epistles.

Why have the churches abandoned these teachings? Until the 1970’s the Southern Baptist Convention opposed such fornication. But eventually, and primarily because the government had ultimately forced the issue, in part by threatening to revoke tax-exempt status, the Baptist churches all relented, and so had all other churches. This was facilitated by a 1967 SCOTUS decision named, rather ironically, Loving vs. Virginia. In the history of the early American colonies, laws barring miscegenation were generally not needed since most Christians would never do such a thing. But there were always exceptions, and in diverse places such laws became necessary in order to maintain a Christian society. After the so-called “Civil War”, many States did find such laws to be necessary, and they stood for a hundred years. By devout Christians, it was considered natural, normal and godly to maintain one’s own race and not to mingle with others. Those laws were not made because of some sort of unfair “racism”, but rather they were made because men loved God and sought to keep His Commandments, as Christ insisted that they do.

So we must ask, has God changed? If a Christian does not believe the words of Christ or His apostles, how can he still be called a Christian? God has not changed, as Paul of Tarsus also proclaims in his epistle to the Hebrews, in chapter 13: “8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” If Christ despised race-mixing fornication when John received the Revelation, He despises it now, and He will always despise it. The modern churches, which have forsaken His Word, shall all one day receive His judgment.

Naturally, Bible-believing Christians, which are those who acknowledge that Christ expects Christians to keep His commandments, are going to be despised by sinners. This is an inevitable phenomenon concerning which the Scriptures themselves warn. But modern church-goers, who have accepted these recent government commandments, worship the government rather than Christ. For that they certainly are all sinners, and they are also idolaters.

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