Germ Theory Lie. Allopathic Medical System Lie. The Body is Perfectly Designed by the Most High!

Published on Feb 16, 2021
1st VIDEO CLIP MIRRORED from Witsit Gets It. 2nd VIDEO CLIP MIRRORED from RobertMorseND. Editing by Macro Cloud. Full video of “The Immune System with Patty Lager”, can be accessed here:

"Viruses" are Babylon's Priestclass' "modern-technological" version of ghosts... pseudo-scientific-conceptual ghosts... a tool to scare/control the lower classes into submission.

Luciferian-gnostic alchemists are running the show. Pro-pagan ads (propaganda) on your vision screens.

Creationists (those who praise the Most High) vs. the architects (deniers of Most High... the builders, the masons, developers of their own existence, satanists, luciferians, worshipers of their own consciousness).

All Praises to the Most High, Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I Am That I Am)!

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