Conversation example w/ Anti-Whites: We Get Them To Expose Their Real Motivation (w/ NWG).

Published on Jul 8, 2020
RELATED: A ‘No White Guilt’ Street Hero Example; The Traps Anti-Whites Fall For:
This message (copied below) is worth reading:
MORE clips on: Anti-White Agenda:
Learn EFFECTIVE LEXICON For The Psychological War Being Waged Against Us: Listen to NO WHITE GUILT:
White Wellbeing:
Meme Curatives, & Introducing Concepts, etc:
Meme Pathogens:
Conversing w/ normal people (general):
Conversing w/ Anti-whites:
NWG (general):
-Some NWG clips are only labeled by EPISODE:
NWG on Anti-whiteism in general:
On 'Segregation':
It's Serious:
GOING FREE (in general, incl. activism posters, cards etc):
-GF: Exercises:
- GF: Experiences / Testimonies of using the lexicon:
-GF: A Movement of Redemption, Community & Personal Growth:
-GF/NWG on Psychology:
(More videos relating to activism: Read under here: )
Beauty & Inspiration:
Love & Truth:
(Interested in other topics & people, & updated links?: See the 'ABOUT' section of this channel).
Video source: "Going Free | No White Guilt | Brandi | British Charlottesville | Georgia on Fire | CHAZ | Calls": (June 14, 2020). Times: 2:23:30-2:31:18.
Clips from this episode:
(Note: not all clips may be listed in this; if some aren't, they are very likely to be listed in one of the NWG-related links)
Make a plan, set targets & get spreading love & truth, friends. This isn't a game. Channels like this do the videos - but you have to do the sharing. Feel free also to direct people to whole video collections rather than just individual videos (see the channel's 'about' section for topics).
If you want more ideas for how you can help to spread the word, see the channel mission statement text under this video:
NO WHITE GUILT LINKS: (from where you should be able to find more links, e.g. for Twitter). (Store). (this is where his streams will be archived in the future)
MESSAGE from Intellectual Embargo ( ).
"I only have a small platform, but please reach out to others with this message.
Many whites are angry about what's happening. Even some non-whites who like white society and western culture are pissed. And you should be. Everything our people built is being attacked.
But this doesn't mean we should be out in the streets like idiots with signs, surrounded by leftists and bad actors who will try and get us involved in senseless violence and publicly discredited by a media machine uses every deceptive tool it can to make us look bad.
I mean, you've seen the videos with Project Veritas [see image link below] that reveal how leftists inject agitators into right-wing rallies to incite violence, right? You should NOT be planning to head into leftist strongholds to make a stand.
Any rallies that anyone really wants to plan, if you MUST RALLY (please don't), should be done in places where there is a right-wing and white-friendly environment both from the local people and from the local political and law-enforcement structure. And the goal should be to connect with other people, not to make a scene for the media. Think more like a right-wing private picnic and networking event, rather than some "look at me!" right-wing pride parade.
Or, better yet, skip rallies, share information, discuss online in your community to vote out a local anti-white politician.
Why let a media machine present and lie about your rally to the public? The public is on facebook right now and you don't need the media to talk to them. Cut the media middle-man out! Share memes and videos that expose how our cities, countries and communities are being attacked.
Btw, some of my videos are on facebook as well for redundancy purposes."


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The content presented in this stream and/or video may be satirical in nature for entertainment purposes. It may contain realistic scenarios that may include themes of racism, anti-semitism, anti-LGBT sentiment and even elements such as death threats, all purely in the context of parody. In addition, this content may depict or refer to acts of violence in a satirical manner. Shock factor is a common and deliberate element used in these displays to emphasise the satirical message. By continuing to view this content, you acknowledge that you understand the satirical nature of this content, including the depiction of violence and the use of shock factor, and agree that you will not use or interpret this content outside of its intended context. Please remember that humour and satire are complex; they are not intended to belittle or demean, but to engage and challenge social norms through exaggeration. If you have any concerns about content, please feel free to engage in constructive dialogue or report issues to GTV staff.

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