EyesIsWatchin #155 - Censorship Blitz, Silent Weapons, GMO Mosquitoes, Mass Extinction

Published on Sep 8, 2024
From Brazil blocking social media and fining VPN users like they're handing out parking tickets, to the UK putting journalists in cuffs for daring to film protests. Just another day in the era of shock events. The "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" blueprint seems to be unfolding right before our eyes. It’s not about freedom, it’s about keeping you just so distracted that you never question the digital cage being built around you. Welcome to the digital dystopian circus!

Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5e2j0s-eyesiswatchin-155-censorship-blitz-silent-weapons-gmo-mosquitoes-mass-extin.html

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