Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of mRNA Vaccine - Ricardo Delgado with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Published on Aug 10, 2021
We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this important interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.

The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.

The results of the Spanish study suggest, yet to be fully confirmed and ascertained, that the recorded vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the Covid vaccine vial.

Of significance, (acknowledged by national health authorities) graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask.

Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated. These effects have been amply documented and confirmed. See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance.

Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.

For further details on this project see the report by Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, specialized in Chemistry and Biology, Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería.

See summary of their report entitled Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy.

Full Study (English).

Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.

This is a controversial study. There are scientists and medical doctors who disagree with the results of the Spanish study.

The evidence has to be either ascertained or refuted. What is required is that independent scientists and health professionals conduct their own lab analysis of the contents of the vaccine vial.

Similarly, we call upon the national health authorities of the 193 member states of the UN which are currently vaccinating their people, to conduct their own study and analysis of the vaccine vial. And if graphene-oxide is detected, the vaccination program should immediately be discontinued.

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Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes.

The Spike Protein Has Never Existed.

The Spike Protein Is Nothing More Than Graphene Inside Your Body And Spiking You.

The mRNA Vaccines Contain 98-99% Graphene Oxide. The 5G Can Stimulate Graphene.

COVID = Graphene + 4G/5G. The mRNA Vials Have Almost 100% Graphene Oxide.

Italy’s Postmortem On Dead Corona Patients. 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Responsible For Deaths.

FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Around The World Have No Record Of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever.

How To Eliminate Excess Graphene Oxide Before It Causes Thrombotic and Cardiovascular Complications.

Graphene Oxide is a toxic chemical substance and has electromagnetic properties. Graphene Oxide generates thrombogenicity, triggers thrombi, blood coagulation and collapse of immune system, accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.


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