Spain: Far-right groups pay tribute to Francoist "Blue Division" force

Published on Mar 4, 2021
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Dozens of Francoists and far-right sympathisers gathered in Madrid's Almudena cemetery on Saturday to pay tribute to the fascist 'Blue Division' soldiers that died fighting alongside the Nazis and under the command of Hitler in World War II.

The attendees were marking the anniversary of the Krasny Bor battle, in which the 'Blue Division' squad of Spanish volunteers followed the Nazis to Leningrad.

The tribute started with a march from the Ascao metro station to the cemetery, with supporters carrying banners reading: 'Honour and glory to the fallen,' and 'anti-communists.'

As well as the lawyer, the tribute featured even more speakers from prominent positions in society. A local priest spoke in defence of the group whilst denouncing marxism.

Despite COVID concerns, the government delegation authorised the event because, according to the organizers, they were not going to exceed 200 attendees.

Spain current curfew rules dictate people can stay outdoors until 22:00 with bars and restaurant serving patrons on-site. Spain has recorded 114,045 COVID infections and 3,361 related deaths in the past month according to date compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

#Spain #Farright #Madrid
Video ID: 20210213-057

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