Stepping up - 500 flyers dropped - GDL Video 2
Published on Oct 19, 2024
On September 11th, 2024, at 3AM, 500 flyers and a banner were dropped by me. It was the biggest flyer drop / night operation I have ever done. I decided to make this video more cinematic, and about the story of that specific flyer drop, rather than, a video of my dropping flyers in general. The video was first shown on the 660th GTV stream (66 goy!). I'm lucky it wasn't the 666th!
But it is only the beginning. After I buy a new printer, I will be dropping a lot more flyers.
This video is dedicated to Huntress, for her amazing support.
When I first got into the Anglo-Saxon Breakfast show, I gave a donation and asked for bolts, assuming that the rules were the same as in HT's stream. But they weren't, and when I asked for the rules, they were very vague, and the show mostly relied on unwritten rules, with which I never did well with. But then, Huntress showed up, with a 5$ donation to Drilla, saying that I drop flyers, and linking my first GDL activism video. I found out that Psychodrilla loved Papergoys, and so, recieved Bolts and a Swazi, and became a respected man among those in the Anglo-Saxon Breakfast show. And thus, I will forever be indebted to Huntress, for her support.
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