Published on Feb 6, 2023
Source: 🪨
Original Twitter Stream...
Oh, the trouble you scumbags are in!
Remember VfB posted that vid with Todd Callendar saying that?
Well, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi apparently heard that, as when he was requested to visit the royal family in Thailand to address the state of the coma that coincided with a recent COVID jab, he was able to state, categorically, that her coma had nothing whatsoever to do with a (((bacterial infection))) - and he had the eye of the tiger, just like Ron Jenkins 🐯
It was clearly the CLOT SHOT
Thailand, I believe, will NULLIFY the COVID compact...and once they do, every other nation will follow
Just days after receiving her covid booster jab, the daughter of the king of Thailand collapsed and fell into a coma.
Princess Bajrakitiyabha, who is the potential heir to the Thai throne, is in a grave condition weeks after she collapsed.
Some reports suggest she had suffered a heart attack though her family were told she likely suffered a bacterial infection. None the less, six weeks later and the princess is still in a coma and being kept alive by machines.
The Royal Family have now been alerted to the fact that the princess has most likely been a victim of the jab.
Top Thai authorities including advisors to the King have been in discussions with Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi and are preparing to have the Pfizer contracts declared null and void according to reports.
If this happens Thailand will become the first country to make the contract null and void, meaning that Pfizer will become responsible for all vaccine injuries.
How do ya like those apples, baby!!! 🍎🍏
Pfertility is Trending on Twitter Due to Latest Project Veritas Bombshell
The Worldwide Drop in Birthrates is Close to 10%. Will it Ever Recover?
Amy Sukwan📆Feb 2
Despite efforts by twitter to suppress it the brilliant hastag #Pfertility— brilliant because it is unique, memorable and identifiable; the Project Veritas latest video regarding menstrual irregularities following Pfizer Covid vaccines is gaining traction:
Twitter avatar for @Project_Veritas
Increased death rates, estimated at 7% increase in all cause mortality per jab, is only half of the equation. There is a catastrophic drop in birth rates seen 9 months following the vaccine rollout in country after country.
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Pfizer of course, is just a corporation. It does not bleed or have feelings. But there’s people behind it who might…

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