M.O.D. - Gross Misconduct (1989) [Full Album]

Published on Sep 14, 2024
Quotes from Billy Milano that got him blacklisted in the Metal Community: "Loved S.O.D., but Scott Ian is a dirty fucking Scumbag jew that disrespected the fans one time to many. Johnny Z and his bag of shit Scumbag disgusting wife can burn in hell. Greedy fucking kikes have money for cocaine but not to pay their artists, Die"
"Scott Ian is a lifeless meat sock, his book fucking sucked and he is a dirty fucking kike."
Band: M.O.D. (a.k.a. Method of Destruction)
Album: Gross Misconduct
Year: 1989
Country: United States
Genre: Thrash Metal/Hardcore/Crossover

01 - No Hope - 00:00
02 - No Glove No Love - 04:13
03 - True Colors - 07:05
04 - Accident Scene - 10:53
05 - Godzula - 14:06
06 - E Factor - 16:31
07 - Gross Misconduct - 19:40
08 - Satan's Cronies - 23:43
09 - In the City (Fear cover) - 26:21
10 - Come as You Are - 28:18
11 - Vents - 31:03
12 - Theme - 33:23
13 - P.B.M. - 33:51
14 - The Ride - 37:47
15 - Dark Night - 38:53

Additional notes: Released by Megaforce Records (http://megaforcerecords.com). Recorded at Pyramid Sound, Ithaca, N.Y., August - October 1988.


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