Evil group think ZOMBIE HORDE attacks man for thinking

Published on Oct 20, 2021
Harry Link 🔥 https://t.me/D2NWO
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You see this is exactly why the zombies are constantly depicted as craving brains, because they don't have any, and that's exactly what you see here. They are literally incapable of any independent thought and when someone arrives on the scene who has had an original thought he is immediately attacked, his sign destroyed, his voice drowned out, and if they did not know the cameras were rolling he may have been murdered as we have seen them do in places like Portland Oregon, in the dark of night.
Many people will perceive this to be humor but it is not, I am telling you there is a spiritual wickedness, it is on display right here, and because the American people are passive and don't want to harm anyone, that spiritual wickedness is taking over the nation.
Let me tell you how this plays out. As we see public figures like Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan begin to speak out, one of them, somewhere, is going to be murdered in broad daylight not unlike Charlie Hebda.
This will be designed to have a chilling effect and if it works, you're doomed, by the time the zombies are at your doorstep it will be too late unless you've got an awful lot of ammunition. And you should. Death to the New World Order
Harry Link is the UNDECEIVABLE thorn in the side of the evil New World Order wielding the gift of discernment for decades slaying dragons and demanding that you do the same - DO IT NOW
1998 Creator of coverup.us
1999 - present Survivor of multiple armed standoffs
2005 Broadcaster of D2NWO w Free Think Radio
2008 Videocaster of Death to the New World Order
2012 Creator of Truth Broadcast Network
2021 Videocaster of 'RedAlert' with Howard Nema
2021 Ultracaster of DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER
2021 Creator of Truthvideo.org
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