Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Rothschilds & British Royal Family Connections

Published on Jun 17, 2021
Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the unlikely connections they had to the Rothschilds and British Royal Family are explored in a mind bending interview with Greg Hallett. WWII and the rearrangement of global power in the 20th century, the Royal Almanac of Gotha, and the continuing conspiracy of power and bloodlines through the modern day is illuminated. Fake heirs and body doubles--from Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, to Prince William and Prince Harry are revealed, plus the future technology being used now to keep the masses oppressed is laid out in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

Greg Hallett trained in various psychological models in parallel with his architecture degree and training. He travelled widely behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War, hitchhiking on planes, making bunks out of airmail bags, to party and report between cities. His contacts in Eastern Europe led to deep penetration of the Soviet State, how it functioned and how it was to colonise the West.
It was these qualifications that led him to buy buildings in Moscow immediately after the Berlin Wall fell. This led to interviews with the KGB and their revelations about the planned sex-communism and deconstruction of Westerners. What they had planned for the West happened in the West. Equally all modern history can be dated back to 1945. What Hitler planned for the world happened to the world over the next sixty years.

Buzzsaw Full Episodes:
Buzzsaw Short Clips Playlist:

00:00 Welcoming Greg Hallett to Buzzsaw.
00:19 Sean introduces Greg Hallett.
00:57 Hitler & Stalin were British agents; destruction of the Royal Almanac of Gotha.
09:28 Lenin & Trotsky were in cahoots with Britain as well. But why the need for destabilization of Russia?
16:30 The Tavistock Institute, Hitler's attendance & the creation of Israel.
18:00 Why wouldn't the British want Hitler to die after the war? There's a double in Argentina!
20:40 Bin Laden had doubles and there are 50 Saddam Hussein doubles. How does the empire work to get agents to do evil?
24:00 Star Trek, UFOs & technology available helps evil prevail.
28:00 Greg likes to avoid the alien argument but knows there are aliens that have been here for thousands of years.
32:09 The powerful elite believe the world is a herd of cattle.
34:30 Theworldoftruth.net has more of Greg's research.
39:00 Prince Charles is not the father of William & Harry.
41:28 Thanks and Goodbye.


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