You Will Never Be a Woman - Original Song (REUPLOAD)

Published on Jan 13, 2022
Original Description & Comments:

in the ancient greek tragedies
the women were all played by a man
I guess that ain't hard to understand
it was a different time in a distant land
but nowadays it's one big gay parade
and no one seems to bat an eye
when kids can pick if they're a gal or a guy

you will never be a woman
cuz a woman has a womb, not a man
you can never be a woman
that's tough for some folks to understand
you will never be a woman
try as you might you look like cher not snow white
and while they take our rights away
you're up at night deciding if you're queer, bi or gay
or maybe, hey! go seize the day and throw those balls away
you will never be a woman
don't be mad you're a lad
you're adam not madam
is it that bad being a guy?
I don't mean to be rude
but you're still a dude

you'll never be a man
your hips don't lie cuz you weren't born a guy
you can never be a man
if even wikipedia tells me
you're still ellen not elliot
you'll never be a man
give it a rest get that fur off your chest
the feminine is magical
don't change it cuz they told you that it's fashionable
you'd have to be fanatical to throw your boobs away
you will never be a man
you're eve, you're not steve
please call the woke police
does that make you feel more like a man?
you can call me a pig and a prick
but you're still a chick

you'll never be a woman
cuz the world needs more men acting like men
you will never be a woman
we need fathers and fighters
to lead us and guide us
you'll never be a woman
no one's impressed, richard, take off that dress
the masculine is powerful
but they tell us that it's toxic and intolerable
they want us meek and malleable
so no one stands in their way
it's ok you're not a woman
it's great you're a mate
it's swell you're a gal
and it's lovely being alive
for the surface doesn't show what's deep inside
we were all born perfect souls, there's no need to hide


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