Every Nephilim Tribe In The Bible - With Gary Wayne

Published on Apr 15, 2023
Tonight's guest is Gary Wayne. Gary joins us to grant myself and other apologists ammunition to use in explaining the need for such grandiose violence in the Bible with regards to the utter destruction, by God and his people, of various nation groups before, during, and after the conquest of Canaan. Gary is a wealth of knowledge having devoted 30 plus years to research on the topic of the Nephilim and Rephaim, and the Bible as a whole. Gary is the best selling author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy and is in the process of releasing a highly anticipated follow up book to said title. Check the links below if you'd like to purchase a copy of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy for yourself. You won't regret it! Now buckle up and enjoy as we get into the Word. Check out: Twitter: @EricRolon - https://twitter.com/EricRolon Instagram: ericrolon - https://www.instagram.com/_ericrolon_/ Website: www.ericrolon.com Facebook Fan-Page: https://www.facebook.com/ericrolonfan... If you like what you see and hear, please consider supporting my work on Locals. Locals: https://angelegend.locals.com/ Gary Wayne Twitter: @garywayne63 Website: https://genesis6conspiracy.com/ Genesis 6 Conspiracy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Conspi...


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