Published on Jan 15, 2021
Be aware! As smart as this guy is, he does not associate it to, or mention the Jew problem. His emphasis is always on the "Rockefellers"...

So lets put the Rockefellers under the spotlight!

"A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The book is entitled "The Grandees - America's Sephardic Elite." The author is Stephen Birmingham, who is recognized by the Jewish community as an expert on Jewish history." http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1230428291

Forecasting another "Holodomor" = Forced famine. This time on a global scale!
16.5 Million Europeans murdered in all 3 Holodomors

"New York Senate Bill 416 authorizes quarantine of individuals or groups who "potentially pose a threat to public health," including forced testing and vaccinations. This must stop now. This Ice Age Farmer broadcast is NOT available on youtube due to the subject matter.
Here's the bill: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/a416
It was A99 last year, but suffice to say, sentiment has changed radically, and with immunization passports in the news, this merits our attention."
That's it. No other links. I still have a youtube channel for now. But iceagefarmer.com is the place you should go.
support the broadcast: https://iceagefarmer.com/support


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