John Lamb Lash: The Triple Curse of Corporate Communism
Published on Dec 29, 2022
Explore the Modern Mystery School:
The Biography of the Earth, a free online course in 9 email episodes:
Orientation talk for visitors – The Seven Groves of Nemeta :​
Order 'Not in His Image' by John Lamb Lash from publisher:
A few copies of the first edition are available. They will be collector’s items once the 2021 edition comes out. A good investment even if you don’t read it. However, most fans of the book recommend reading NIHI more than once, so having both editions would be optimal.
Rare JLL video interview “The Terton on Video – Gnosis and Shamanismâ€
To access this talk, register as a guest and go to Planetary Tantra via this link and scroll down to the title in the curriculum panel.
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