Heraldry & Symbols of the 12 Tribes of lsrael in Europe
Published on Jun 9, 2020
The 12 tribes heraldry and symbol used by the ancient lsraelites have still survived to this day. They are found all amongst European banners, coat of arms and national icons. Along with all the many prophecies and endless proofs it's clear that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic European people today are in fact the true and only descendants of lsrael.
This video shows which symbols survived and are most prominent to this day. It covers certain prophecies that tribes would fulfill and the blessings that were bestowed on them.
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100 Proofs the lsraelites were white:
The 12 Tribes
- Reuben
- Simeon
- Levi
- Judah
- Dan
- Naphtali
- Gad
- Asher
- Issachar
- Zebulon
- Ephraim (Joseph)
- Manasseh (Joseph)
- Benjamin
The Heraldry and Symbols:
- Primal Man, Unstable Waters, Mandrake Flower
- Sword, Castle / Gate / Tower
- 12 Stone Levitical Breastplate
- Lion, Blood Red Lion, Blood Red Hand, David's Harp
- Eagle, Snake, Judge Scales, Horse tumbling backwards
- Stag / Deer / Hind
- Troop / Armed Rider, Military Tent
- Royal Cup, Olive Tree
- Donkey
- Ship / Boat
- Bull, Unicorn, Horn
- Bundle of Arrows / Crossbow / Bow, Diagonal Saltire Cross
- Wolf
- Your Subscription
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