The German Soldier - by Robert Lloyd

Published on Nov 30, 2022
Robert Lloyd is the singer, song-writer, and musician of this wonderfully "haunting" piece of music, and gave me his reasoning for the creation (and the lyrics) of the song as follows...

"Of all the German baby boys born in 1918., about 80% of them were dead by 1945., and I will never forget this figure of the true genocide of our (German) people. I think of those boys killed., and how many Beethovens., Mozarts., Werner Von Brauns., Bismarcks., etc. were killed., and of which we will never be blessed by their equivalent talents in this now dark, amoral, and hedonistic world. With such thoughts., I dedicate this song., "The German Soldier"., to their memory".

Here are the lyrics to "The German Soldier" by Robert Lloyd

I was born in the Summer, of the last year of the war.
I heard that my father cried., when Germany died.
And that's how my world began., and that's how things would be.
Bad things did happen., to my family and me...

But who will remember these things.?
And do you remember these things.?
Now time has forgotten., the world as it should be.!!
And who will remember these things.???

Then came the Republic., and the Jewish conspiracy.
They stole all our treasures., and corrupted our society.!!
Then a man stood among us., and he showed how things could be.
Good things for my family., for my family and me...

But who will remember these things.?
And do you remember these things.?
Now time has forgotten., the world as it should be.!!
And who will remember these things.???

I joined the army., and I fought for our liberty.
Outnumbered in battle., we gave all for victory.
We lost our great leader., but NOT his vision of what we could be.!!
Our world changed forever., to millions just like me...

But who will remember these things.?
And do you remember these things.?
Now time has forgotten., the world as it should be.!!
And who will remember these things.???

I died in the Summer., of the last year of the war.....


'The German Soldier'
Written by Robert Lloyd (Copyright: May 30, 2012)
PO Box 60848 Ft Myers FL 33906

(Of all the German males born in 1918, 80% were dead by 1945. Who will remember?)

(Verse 1)
Em ----------------- G ---------------- C ---------------- D
I was born in the summer of the last year of the war...
Am --------------- Em ------------ C ------------------ D
I heard that my father cried... when Germany died...
Em ------------------- C --------------------- G -------------------------- D
And that's how my world began, and that's how things would be...
Am ---------------- C -------- D ------------------- D7sus
These things did happen, to my family and me...

C ---------------- G --------------- D ------ Am7
But who will remember these things...
C --------------- G ---------------- D ------- Am7
And do you remember these things...
C --------------- G -------------- Em ------ Em1 - Em7 - A7
Now time has forgotten, the world as it should be...
C ----------------- D --------------- G --- C -- G
And who will remember these things...

(Verse 2)
Then came the Republic, and the Jewish conspiracy...
They stole all our treasures, and corrupted our society...
Then a man stood among us, and he showed how things could be...
Good things for my family, for my family and me...


(Verse 3)
I joined the army, and I fought for our liberty...
Outnumbered in battle, we gave all for victory...
We lost our great leader, but not his vision of what we could be...
Our world changed forever, to millions just like me...


(Verse ending tag)
Em ----------- G ---------------- C ----------------- D
I died in the summer, of the last year of the war...

PS:>> If this music video has "touched-your-heart"., then please do your best to also watch the documentary entitled "Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany"., which can seen here at:


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