Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 13, 2025, Ingrid’s Story; Hellstorm; Dresden; Fakeologist; Gates

Published on Feb 13, 2025
*** Ingrid Rimland-Zundel - There Were No Gas Chambers - Just Showers, Feb 9, 2025
Ernst Zundel Interviews Ingrid Rimland - https://old.bitchute.com/video/fFqMz8dxwo7w/
“The German Soldiers were heroes” - Ingrid Rimland Zündel -

Book #1: A Passion for Land and Peace
Book #2: The Theft of Land and Peace
Book #3: The Dream of Land and Peace

*** Renegade Films, Hellstorm, The Real Holocaust, Thomas Goodrich, Feb 13, 2025
The evisceration of Dresden by the Zionist powers (GB, US) was probably the most heinous atrocity ever recorded. Based on the Red Cross gold standard, there were 0.11 million victims who died tragically in the Jewish Holocaust (104,575 in the camps, plus about 5,000 shot). So, by numbers alone, that would make the Dresden Holocaust (with 340,000 or, more likely, 550,000 victims) THREE or, more likely, FIVE times worse. Note: Churchill's admission of "600,000 refugees" confirms that Dresden's population was indeed twice its normal. In the months before the Zionist attacks, Dresden's population (normally about 630,000) had swelled to twice its normal size, mainly due to the influx of refugees from the Eastern Front and from territories that were still falling to the Bolshevik-Zionist Red Army, or had already fallen. Most of Dresden's victims were Germans, but many were also citizens of nations friendly to Germany, such as Hungarians, Slovaks, Croatians, Slovenians, Rumanians, Bulgarians, and even Finns. Dresden had long been known as "the Florence on the Elbe" or "das ElbFlorenz". [...]
*** Tim Fakeologist Presents Jim Rizoli and Fakenukes Phil, Feb 12, 2025
*** Why Jim feels he needs to block certain commenters.
*** Shoah Foundation, RedIce Productions - Eric Hunt: The Shoah, The Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century, Nov 1, 2019.
*** Bye-Bye to ENGLISH (Language) Immersion
*** Massachusetts town votes to become a transgender 'sanctuary city' after wild city council meeting
*** Bill Gates From Microsft to Vaccines, Feb 12, 2025 - https://old.bitchute.com/video/tLEP7ZSEUiLP/
*** Vaccine Deaths

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